It’s time to move on! My Sibling® and My Pal Dolls® will no longer be sold by creator Loretta Boronat. Thank you for being such wonderful customers over the years!
You can purchase the dolls and clothing from Heather Beatty at Dandelion Dream Dolls. If you have questions, you can e-mail her at or call her (toll-free) at 1-888-291-DOLLS (3655).
I couldn’t have found a better person to carry on the love for boy dolls that we started here at! You will still be able to give your children the opportunity to “Care, Learn and Have Fun” through play with their boy dolls! Sincerely, Loretta D. Boronat, creator of My Sibling® and My Pal® Dolls

18 inch boy doll - My Pal for Going Green!
18 inch boy doll with curly blonde hair, brown eyes and light skin; has cloth, fiber-filled body with pose-able plastic head, arms and legs. Eyes open and close, hair is rooted.
Outfit and accessories made from all re-used materials: purchased or donated "old clothes" washed and cut apart to use as fabric
- khaki shorts - made from re-used khaki pants
- t shirt - made from re-used t shirts
- green canvas sneakers (these are not made by us from recycled materials)
- recycling totebag - made from re-used adult clothing
Complete with 8 page booklet: My Pal for Going Green! (printed on recycled paper)
- doll clothing, booklet - Made in the USA.
***Colors and textures of fabric may vary, due to the nature of recycled materials.***
My Pal for Going Green is for children who are interested in caring for their environment. In the booklet included they can write about activities they have participated in for Going Green, read about environmental awareness, some suggestions about what to do to help protect and improve their environment, and find some book titles and website addresses to read more about this issue (such as: Our booklet is printed in the USA on recycled paper.